Cranky Fat Feminist Speaks

liberal feminist from the south who ran away to college in the mid-west, and quickly retreated back after my four years were up. trying to save the world one picture book at a time; attempting to live healthier to lose weight, but without giving up beer. challenging the idea that “big is beautiful” as well as what I’ve learned and experienced about women, gender, and feminism from my time in college as well as my time in West Africa. pissed about the apathy of the world, ready to create change one mind at a time.

I'd love any comments you'd like to share! And as always, I'd love for you to click on an ad when you're done reading, it's a simple free way for you to give money towards my student loans!

Sunday, February 24, 2013

[feminist] VAWA House action

Boehner, Cantor, and the other GOP/TeaBagger leadership have created a counter Violence Against Women Act. We are asking these targets (democrats and women) to co-sponsor HR 11, the comprehensive VAWA-- not the conservative VAWA. The conservative VAWA excludes LGBTQ, Native Americans, sex trafficking victims, and not-unblocking the rape kit backlog.

sample tweets in English and Spanish:
  • 1 in 3 #NativeAmerican #women are victims of #sexualassault during their life. We all deserve a comprehensive #VAWA
  • Promueve HR11 porque todavia hay gente muriendo por violencia domestica. #dv #VAWA
  • 2 in 5 black #women will be sexually abused during her lifetime. Sponsor HR11 now! #VAWA
  • 2 de cada 5 mujeres negras seran abusadas sexualmente en el transcurso de su vida. Promueve HR11 ahora! #VAWA
  • #LGBT survivors face the same rates of #DV & #SA as all – so #VAWA must include them too. Sponsor HR11!
  • #LGBT enfrentan la misma tasa de #DV & #SA como los demas-por eso #VAWA incluirlos tambien. Promueve HR11!

AL Roby, Martha  R RepMarthaRoby 202-225-2901
FL Ros-Lehtinen, Ileana  R RosLehitinen 202-225-3931
GA Barrow, John  D repjohnbarrow 202-225-2823
IL Lipinski, Daniel  D RepLipinski 202-225-5701
IN Walorski, Jackie  R RepWalorski 202-225-3915
IN Brooks, Susan W.  R SusanWBrooks 202-225-2276
KS Jenkins, Lynn  R RepLynnJenkins 202-225-6601
MI Miller, Candice  R CandiceMiller 202-225-2106
MN Bachmann, Michele  R MicheleBachmann 202-225-2331
MN Peterson, Collin C.  D no twitter 202-225-2165
MO Wagner, Ann  R RepAnnWagner 202-225-1621
MO Hartzler, Vicky  R RepHartzler 202-225-2876
NC Ellmers, Renee  R RepReneeEllmers 202-225-4531
NC Foxx, Virginia  R virginiafoxx 202-225-2071
NC McIntyre, Mike  D RepMikeMcIntyre 202-225-2731
SD Noem, Kristi  R RepKristiNoem 202-225-2801
TN Black, Diane  R repDianeBlack 202-225-4231
TN Blackburn, Marsha  R MarshaBlackburn 202-225-2811
TX Granger, Kay  R RepKayGranger 202-225-5071
UT Bishop, Rob  R no twitter 202-225-0453
UT Matheson, Jim  D RepJimMatheson 202-225-3011
WA Herrera Beutler, Jaime  R HerreraBeutler 202-225-3536
WA McMorris Rodgers, Cathy  R cathymcmorris 202-225-2006
WV Capito, Shelley Moore  R RepShelley 202-225-2711
WY Lummis, Cynthia M.  R CynthiaLummis 202-225-2311

Sunday, February 17, 2013

[feminist] senate shit list

These 22 Republican and Tea Party men voted against re-authorizing the Violence Against Women Act in the Senate. 8 of them voted against bringing up the VAWA for debate and vote at all.

The bill authorizes $659 million over five years for VAWA programs; expands VAWA to include new protections for LGBT and Native American victims; give more attention to sexual assault prevention and to help reduce a backlog in processing rape kits. Created in 1994, VAWA has helped to strengthen programs and services for victims of domestic violence, dating violence and stalking.